Many of the comics published on fearoftheLordcomics.com have been wandering around in my brain since my long past university days. The Christmas Present, The Refining Fire and The NROP Glasses are now completed. Repentance is getting there. The Rise of Nothing is just getting started but I am going to both on pause for a while as I launch a new comic, Man Vs God: Who made Who. The cover image above was completed during those foolish days of my youth.
The evolution vs. special creation controversy has interested me since grade school. It made science classes alive to me, as its material content had provided fodder in the war between Scripture and adherents of Charles Darwin. I started reading books on the subject. For me that was a minor miracle as I would not read anything unless under duress. I was flabbergasted learning about the grossly overstretched arguments in favor of molecules-to-man evolution. In grade school I had to memorize the names and dates of various ape men fossils, all of which we now realize to be either apes or men, but never anything in between. In Grade 11 I had to read The Naked Ape in English class of all things. I remember reading on pages 44 and 45 the ridiculous speculation that our ancestors lost their ape body hair and became hairlessly-naked during a million year semi-aquatic stage. This also explains why we have hair on our heads because we had to keep our heads above the water to breathe and didn't want to get too badly sunburned. I was angry, not due to any violence done to God as He is beyond any of that. (Well, come to think about it, violence was done to God during the crucifixion but that was violence that He freely chose and submitted to). I was angry due to the violence done to science and its alleged impartiality and intellectual honesty. This over enthusiasm for what is essentially speculative is galling. The Naked Ape, for example, sold 20 million copies and was translated into 23 languages!
But the theory of evolution has always been given the red carpet treatment both by the education system and the scientific establishment. Such coziness has allowed hoaxes and bad science to proliferate. It brings to mind the John Cleese line about a candidate for vice president: "If life was fair then Dan Quayle would be making a living out of asking the question, 'Would you like fries with that?'" If the theory of evolution was a person, it should be working at McDonalds, rather than being hooplahed as the nation's favored son and Scientist-in-Chief.
Compare and contrast the reception by the modern world to these two artifacts, the Piltdown Man and the Shroud of Turin. The Shroud of Turin hints that man descended from God and was redeemed by Him. The Piltdown Man hinted that men descended from monkeys and God was neither needed nor involved in the creation of man. Shortly after its unveiling in 1912, the Piltdown Man was dubbed authentic and it held sway in the London Natural History Museum for 41 years. In the hagiographical painting below, discoverer Charles Dawson plus an assemblage of museum VIP's and top paleontologists examine the Piltdown skull. Had they done more expert scrutinizing, they would have soon realized that the skull was a crude composite of a medieval human brain-case and an orangutan jaw bone, plus a garnish of some filed-down fossilized teeth from a chimpanzee. The assembled bones had been stained for the appearance of age with an iron solution along with chromic acid. In 1953 the fraud was finally acknowledged.
The Shroud of Turin, in contrast, was dubbed a medieval forgery in 1980, based on radio-carbon dating done by a team of scientists working in various labs in different parts of the world. This conclusion was broadcast far and wide in spite of obvious counter explanations. The thread samples removed for the analysis had been taken from the only area of the Shroud that appeared to have undergone some repair. Plus, there are so many mind-boggling phenomena observed on the Shroud that defy any explanation. Even today, such an artifact could in no way be reproduced with modern technology. The imprints on the Shroud are scorch marks, the result of intense heat, but the cloth is not burned through. These imprints form a photographic negative of the front and back of life-sized figure wearing a cap of thorns. The man in the shroud has been scourged, crucified and pierced through the heart with a sharp object. The imprints are anatomically perfect, the blood splotches real, there is pollen deposited on the Shroud from region of Judea dating back to the 1st century and there are even faint imprints of Roman coins on the eyelids of the man who was wrapped in the shroud.
Today, with newer equipment and techniques, the Shroud has been positively dated back to 2000 years ago, but the fact remains that the scientific establishment declared the Shroud of Turin a forgery for nearly 44 years and they declared the Piltdown Man legit for 41 years. If one is charitable, they may think might this is just a one-off mistake and a historical fluke. This is what the upcoming comic book is going to look at. Is our existence a miracle or just a dumb cosmic accident? Is there solid evidence for the theory of evolution or has it been simply unfairly platformed by our modern society that is hell-bent to believe we are pond-scum-turned-ape-turned-man rather than the idea that we are "a little lower than the angels" and one day we will face the God who made us. Let's explore this question together. Please subscribe and support my work.
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